New Employees Working Hard at Armstrong Property
On Wednesday 1/25/2023 Lee Hazeltine, Laura Gunderson and Feliciano from integrazers.com brought 1,300 sheep through the levee gate to help with weeding the farm. They are being enclosed in 5-10 acre sections at a time and are able to eat through vineyard, orchard, and open ground. The areas they have munched through looks freshly mowed! They are even eating thistles and weeds between trees where tractors cannot reach. Of the 1,300 sheep, over 1,200 are pregnant females and already 14 cute little lambs have been born with more on the way! The plan is to graze them across as much of the property as possible before sending them to their next pasture. A giant Anatolian mutt named "Waldo" is ever vigilant, blending into the flock to protect from coyotes or whatever else tries to interrupt Armstong's hard working employees! We are so grateful for our new helpers, they get plenty of feed, and we get plenty of weeding (and a bit of fertilizer).
Special thanks to David Rizzo and Bryan Pellissier for the video of our new employees and a description of their job duties at Armstrong.
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